Dr. Hoang Van Vuong is currently a lecturer in the Department of Materials Science, Surface and Heat treatment, School of Materials Science and Egineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Dr. Hoang Van Vuong graduated from Hanoi University of Science and Technology with bachelor degree in Materials Science, Surface and Heat treatment, received MSc degree in materials science at the International Training Institute for Materials Science (ITIMS), Hanoi University of Science and Technology, in 2011, completed the PhD thesis in advanced materials engineering at Chungnam National University in Korea, in 2017. He has research interests including: synthesis of nanomaterials, analysis of defects in materials, heat treatment process for metals and alloys.
- Materials science
- Strengthening theory of materials
- Surface and thin film technology
- Nanostructured materials processing
- Metallic and Non-metallic materials
- Subject projects: Selection of Materials and Processing, Design Project for Heat Treatment Workshop, Materials selection
- Nano materials and technology
- Metals and alloys
- Sensors and semiconductor devices
Typical scientific project:
Typical published papers:
Articles in Web of Science:
- Van Vuong Hoang, Young Ji Cho, Jung Ho Yoo, Soon-Ku Hong, Yong Ho Choi, Sungha Choi, Wooduck Jung, Chang Kyu Jeong, and Jun-Mo Yang, “Strain mapping in a nanoscale-triangular SiGe pattern by dark-field electron holography with medium magnification mode”, Electron Microscopy, ISSN/ISBN 2050-5698, Vol. 65, pp 499-507, 2016
- Van Vuong Hoang, Young Ji Cho, Jung Ho Yoo, Jun-Mo Yang, Sungha Choi, Wooduck Jung, Yong Ho Choi, and Soon-Ku Hong, “2D strain measurement in sub-10 nm SiGe layer with dark-field electron holography”, Current Applied Physics, ISSN/ISBN 1567-1739, Vol. 15, pp 1529-1533, 2015
- Nguyen Van Hieu, Hoang Van Vuong, Nguyen Van Duy, Nguyen Duc Hoa, “A morphological control of tungsten oxide nanowires by thermal evaporation method for sub-ppm NO2 gas sensor application”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, ISSN/ISBN 0925-4005, Vol.171, pp760-768, 2012
Articles in international journals:
- Khac An Dao, Hong Trang Pham, Van Vuong Hoang, “The Effects of Ge Substrate Surface States and Au Catalyst Layer Thickness on the Growth of Different GexOy Nanomaterials and Nanocrystals Configurations Using Vapor-Liquid-Solid Method with two Steps Temperature Mode”, Catalysis Research, 3 (1), 1-28, 2023
- Xuan Thi Tran, Anh Hoang Pham, Vuong Van Hoang, and Toai Dinh Vu, “Stress and Distortion of 100Cr6 Steel after Quenching in Aqueous 4% Polyvinylpyrrolidone Solution”, Materials Engineering and Performance, 31, 6672–6688, 2022
- Van Vuong Hoang and Van Trung Trinh, “2D Strain Mapping in Sub-10nm SiGe Layer with High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy and Geometric Phase Analysis”, Nano Hybrids and Composites, 37, 42-47, 2022
- Tien Dai Nguyen, Eui-Tae Kim, Jun Oh Kim, Sang Jun Lee, Van Vuong Hoang, and Khac An Dao., “Formation of GeO 2 complex composed nanostructures by the vapor liquid solid method”, Mater Sci: Mater Electron, ISSN/ISBN 0957-4522, Vol.28, pp 9338-9343, 2017
Articles in national scientific journals:
- Nguyen Huu Thong, Bui Thi Hue, Le Quynh Duong, Le Van Toan, Hoang Nhu Van, Duong Thanh Tung, Cao Xuan Thang, Nguyen Viet Tung, Nguyen Thi Lan, Hoang Van Vuong, Le Thai Hung, Pham Hung Vuong, “Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Coatings with Hexagonal Crystal Structure on Etched Titanium by Hydrothermal Method”, VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, 38, 4, 85-92, 2022.
- Hoang Van Vuong, Nguyen Van Duc, “Carbon nanofibers grown on carbon fibers by chemical vapor deposition using the iron catalyst”, Metals, 95, 24-28, 2021
- Trinh Van Trung, Hoang Van Vuong, Do Kim Tranh, “Embrittlement of 40Cr steels”, Metals, 90, 12-18, 2020